
24 Hours To Improving Wealth.

4. Come up with ideas on how you can diversify your income stream. Whether it is through home-based projects like vegetable growing and marketing, bricklaying, roasting and selling of groundnuts and baking. Or, you can consider providing local on-demand, contract-based services, depending on your interest and skill set. Services like general contracting, house cleaning, yard work, babysitting and assisting the elderly. Another option would be to get into freelance work with skills like Graphic design, Coding, Photography, Copywriting, Journalism, Coaching, Marketing, Physical training, Bookkeeping, Teaching/tutoring, Data entry and Consulting.

5. As much as you are able, create routine around your financial choices and automate this process. This could start with determining what percentage of your income you will spend and what you will save/ invest. It goes beyond just tracking your expenses though, it includes creating a formula you can recreate, even if it is just in answering questions like, When do you pay your bills? Where will you do it? Who is involved in this process? What are you paying for and with what money (savings or new income)? Why do you need this service? And finally, how do you get paid or make payments? Online banking is one way to automate this process, as well as expense tracker and savings apps. This will eliminate the need to make the decision at every turn because we cannot always rely on our willpower. 

6. Get a Financial Education. You will not learn everything you need to know in a day, but the sooner you begin to proactively look for the right information, the better your decision-making process. Then you can start to figure out what the next 24 hours should look like, and then the time after that. You need to be able to understand financial issues everybody deals with like saving money, paying bills, debt management and investing. It could be as simple as reading an article or having a conversation with the most financially responsible person you know. You could also consider joining or creating an Investment Club. They are an excellent way to learn about finance as well as work on wealth creation at the same time. 

The fact that you are here looking for some insight into how to better your financial position is certainly a step in the right direction, but it is just a beginning. Success with money comes when you create healthy patterns of thinking, working and spending. 

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